Monday, 18 April 2011

Manhood in crisis? Are men in danger of becoming extinct in the work place?

Fascinating article in Newsweek recently about how men in America have been suffering more than the fairer sex in the workplace. Scoff you might, or perhaps even roll your eyes. But the reality is, during the current financial uncertainty, many employers have 'gotten rid' of the 35-45 year old male who once had it 'so good'.

Is this really just the start of a vicious trend, or are men actually being treated unfairly? Or is it just the reality that the economy is in such a mess that organisations have little choice but to get rid of staff who are more expensive? Sad as it is and in many cases desperate as it has become for many, what can fathers and dads do to get out of this hole?

Hopefully not turn to the bottle. In a recent study in Denmark, scientists found that alcoholism can actually be passed on to children. Fathers, dads, men - time to listen up and do something about it

The reality is that men have 'had it good' for a long time, particularly in western nations. As the East 'rises' we in the west will start to suffer - that is inevitable. Only recently Liam Halligan in the Sunday Telegraph reaffirmed this fact. Whilst western nations are on their knees economically, the rest of the world is catching up fast. It makes you wonder why we waste our time with democracy and politicians at times? They only seem able to mess everything up and rarely work for the long term economic future of the nation, unlike Queen Elizabeth for example during the 1400s or perhaps Margaret Thatcher - amusing that both were women and both full of steely determination to make 'Britain better'.

I do have to say, David Cameron appears to be taking the economy seriously, or should I say, the need to get it going. Whilst some have criticised him, I find it rather annoying really. We're in a right mess and all other politicians can do is be negative and offer no solutions.

Indeed as we fast approach 2012, with unemployment all over the place, western nations burdened with huge debt, the time really has come to address it head on and stop pretending it will all go away if we say so. No it won't. We need to face up to the reality and acknowledge for once and all western democracies have to run a tight fiscal ship, the alternative is no longer an option.