Friday, 15 October 2010

So is Nick Clegg is on a mission to 'save' our children?

News today that Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is all for helping the poorest in society get through school and university. A fair example to set it has to be said...

That is until you realise that money alone won't solve the problem. Earlier in the week we heard that Frank Field, a prominent Labour backbencher and highly respected MP, effectively said parents in Britain needed to wake up and start being parents.

Whilst I can't help but feel that Mr Field's words are correct, I would probably suggest that he needs to go one step further and say that parents need to be far more responsible for their actions and their children, let alone any 'quick option' to file a lawsuit or cut corners.

To expect the state to look after them all is not right. Frankly it is insulting. For too long Britain has slumped down the parenting leagues, instead we should be leading by example.

To think that children in some developing countries have better manners, respect and humility.

Perhaps it is the fact that we have thrown so much money at the problem that people seem to think money is the answer. Reality is that the amount of money the british government spends on education each year is more than the gdp of some nations in the world. In fact probably quite a few.

So what has gone wrong? Why are parents so blazay about their responsibility? their children and wider society? David Cameron has gone to great lengths to try and encourage the British people to wake up and realise that we are all running on 'empty'.

To all intents and purposes, he is right. The idea that a society as 'developed' and 'advanced' as that of the UK, can show respect, work for communities, help the weakest should come naturally. Yet, we all seem to sit at home, happy to watch TV and ignore the plight of the country, whilst it has never been more in need of help.

Perhaps the times are changing, seeing that only yesterday 50, yes 50 members of the public wrestled to the ground a gang of armed raiders. Perhaps the Big Society is really working? Perhaps David Cameron has a point after all?

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