Sunday, 28 November 2010

Breast-feeding in the office hey?

Sounds extravagant, to be honest, whilst I'm all pro helping women balance work with family, I think the practical problem comes around when you expect employers to pay for it. Setting aside private areas for breast-feeding at work will be a challenge.

Perhaps, mothers should have that amount deducted from their pay? In all seriousness, especially as the economy is on the long road to recovery. Can we really expect firms to pay for government initiatives when they are struggling to survive?

Only this week we saw a prime example of an employer that sacked literally anyone over 65 before the new pension regulations come in, despite having been working in that particular company for decades. It demonstrates the lack of reality that government has with practicalities of working life. More importantly, how sad for those people, who have given so many years service to be thrown on the scrap heap so brutally. Politicians, that is the kind of thing you need to stop, the stupid laws that is.

Now, if no one told you, this was because of EU law, note, not new coalition. So, you can forgive Mr Cameron, I suspect he has a very long road to go, before he can turn around crazy decisions like this, but at least he is starting.

That said, the one thing I don't understand is why no government, regardless of political colour, doesn't introduce legislation to insist that all governments must leave budget surplus on exiting office. Otherwise, all that seems to happen is one party comes in, spends all the money. Another comes in and has to cut everything as a result and look bad.

If you ask me, reckless spending should be outlawed.

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