Sunday, 21 November 2010

So what took them so long?

Can you believe that for the past near 14 years teachers and head teachers have had to bow to unruly pupils because of the previous government's insistence that pupil rights, even if they misbehaved were more important than discipline in the classroom?

Well, I suspect like many of you I fundamentally disagree with that nonsense. I have to add I am particularly impressed by Michael Gove for trying to 'turn that mighty ship around' and do something to restore a sense of 'value' in the classroom.

Now, it is not the 'value' in a monetary sense I'm talking about, rather, the kind of respect for teacher, school and peer that many youngsters today clearly lack. There are probably a whole host of other factors like lack of father figure, single parent family, you name it. Some might say, oh don't be too hard on that, to be honest, I'm not.

What I will not do however, is make excuses for people or for kids that seem to think they can do what they like and there are no consequences.

Be it the student protesters who unnecessarily destroyed public and private property last week in Westminster, or just unruly kids at schools who think they are King. 'It ends now' as Kevin Costner said in the movie Wyatt Earp.

Indeed, we need our own Marhsall Earp and he comes in the form of Michael Gove MP, the government's Education Secretary. When you look at the radical agenda he is about to outline to Parliament this week, people should really sit up a listen.

Not only is it dynamic, it is just what the teaching community needs, let alone the country. We in Britain surely want to produce highly skilled graduates, school leavers, you name it, so that they can help themselves in the future but also the economy too.

All too often, people fail to recognise the importance of 'doing the right thing', in this instance, i sincerely believe Mr Gove is doing just that and fathers, dads and parents up and down the land should get behind him and show our support. Because that ladies and gentlemen is what is going to make the difference between average and excellence.

You decide..

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