With all the magic, tech wizardry and power of Google, why haven't they done more to quite simply stop internet porn? They can do it. Moreover, should do it. Yet, never, do we hear of Google actually doing anything to stop the criminal gangs that exploit, women, children and make millions in the process?
Instead some argue that Google is infact, well, taking the mick a little with its overwhelming power of the internet. Using and abusing its position, rather than using its abilities to 'do good'. You would have thought it would come naturally? Alas, it is a company motivated by money as any other and unfortunately appears to have become blinded by its moral and ethical obligations.
So, on that note I am actually 100% behind the governments initiative. To be honest, parents need to be on board too. It is just far too easy to logon or search for a porn website. Anyone can do it. And the sad thing is, demand is at an all time high. Why? Because it is uncontrolled.
Governments are the only bodies with power to do something. So hearing that Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg are going to do something about this in the UK, well, go for it I say.
So, parents, dads, you can make a difference and you know what, It would be an idea if they government set up a website to encourage the public to send it urls of 'adult websites' they know to help the ISPs shut them down.
It is one area I am particularly happy for the government to enforce. Question is: will they?
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