Sunday, 2 January 2011

2011 here we come..

So after a few weeks of turkey, food and more food, are we any closer to understanding the universe? Probably not. It seems that the earth is round.

You may wonder what it is I'm trying to suggest? Well, when you take for example the state of the UK economy. It is in fact heading in the right direction, or at least so we're told?

As a parent, father or dad, you are probably wondering, now where do I get all this extra money from for my family? You are probably saying, what money are you on about? Well, the extra VAT, the increase in the cost of food and fuel, the potentially increasing interest rates, you name it, prices are going up - wages aren't. So something has to give.

When you read about government Minister's trying to 'save' Ringo Starr's old house you begin to wonder if they are spending our money on the right thing?

To me, I just don't understand how hard it is for a government to 'manage' the finances. I mean we all know the boom and bust of the previous lot, and yes, it does take time to 'balance the books'. However, just where we spend our tax money should be of interest to parents.

Ok, there's not much you can do about it, I mean, politicians do as they like. Parents do as they must. If only things were different.

When you hear about soldiers dying in foreign lands, you begin to remember Kipling and his stories from over a Century ago when Britain was last in Afghanistan - things didn't end much better then..

So as 2011 starts with a bit of sun, perhaps father's have a role to play in saving a little more, being a little more thoughtful and most importantly thinking about the 'long term', not just today, rather tomorrow.

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